On the Southbank was an exhibition called the Lomo wall it is a wall covered in 6/4-inch photos taken with a Russian camera known as a lomo. The lomo is a simple and rugged camera that was designed to be used by the KGB in low light conditions. People discovered that using slide film, especially old and out of date film produced amazingly rich and saturated images. Now there is a community of people interested in lomo photography and a website dedicated to it http://www.lomography.com .
The exhibition on the Southbank was a collection of 4000 images taken in the Lower Marshes area of Waterloo and is titled trading Places. There is an interactive audio feature that plays recordings of resident’s memories and poetry if viewers press certain points on the wall. This installation is beautiful, not only are the photos stunning in themselves but their layout creates amazing patterns if you stand back from the wall.

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